What About The Alchemy?

A Blog By TADA

Day 10,046 – Horror Newbie: 30 Days of Horror — August 17, 2017

Day 10,046 – Horror Newbie: 30 Days of Horror

A few months ago, I was hanging with friends and we watched Scream. For me, this was my first time watching Scream. I know, I know, I know. This movie is over 20 years old and I only watched it for the first time earlier this year. Truth be told, I’m not savvy when it comes to the horror genre. Scream was excellent. Very meta (“Turn around Jamie!”) and overall had a good plot. Because of my lack of familiarity with the horror genre, the twist was a big surprise to me. It got me thinking: there’s a whole genre of movies out there that I have never seen. Some movies are iconic and classics. I feel like I’ve been missing out on so much.

So I decided to make a new project for myself. Starting on August 21st (the day of the eclipse here in Missouri), I plan on launching Horror Newbie: 30 Days of Horror. I cultivated a list of over 100 recommendations by asking various friends. The goal is to watch at least one horror movie a day. Every day I will make an effort to discuss about the movie or movies I watched that day.

Stay tuned to my Twitter, Instagram, and my Facebook page for more details!

The spooks begin on Monday.

The Evil Dead trilogy is one of my favorites! 
Quotes — December 27, 2016
Quotes from other people that I relate to — November 18, 2016

Quotes from other people that I relate to

It appears that the overall theme for November is heartbreak. I was grappling with quite a bit of it with the election. But as of last Tuesday, I’m now experiencing a loss of a friendship. This isn’t the first time I’ve lost a friend, but it doesn’t hurt any less. For me, friend breakups are very similar to romantic break ups: I’m basically out of commission for a few days and I feel tremendously sad and hurt which always comes out angry.

I’m a big fan of Marc Maron and I sporadically watch his show “Maron” on Netflix when I have the time. I say sporadically because I occasionally have to stop watching the show due to its extremely reliability to my life. I am also a comic and a writer with three cats and I also view the world in a strange, over-analytical way. In the pilot episode of “Maron” there was quote Marc makes that really resonated with me:

“But I know one thing about me: If I am sad and its in public, it’s not gonna come out sadness. It’s just gonna come out anger.”

Why did this line resonate with me? Because it’s exactly how I am. Anger is way more productive than sadness. For me, sadness is debilitating. I don’t have an appetite, I just wanna sleep, my eyes get all pink and red (which makes it difficult when I cry at work which I have done more than an employee should due to my panic attacks). Sadness decreases my productivity and makes me a generally sad and useless individual.

The other reoccurring problem with friend breakups are the other friend breakups you end up reliving. You think about the time in April when one of your friends messaged you on Facebook and proceeded to call you “a total bitch,” “delusional,” “a right asshole” and other names of that nature. You think about the friend you had confronted a year ago and they screamed in your face, telling you to go fuck yourself, and cut you out of their life. You think about how in seventh grade you had a friend who didn’t invite you to a ski trip because “my mom said you don’t have enough money.” It hurts. It really does. It mainly hurts as a writer. As an introvert, being alone doesn’t hurt me. I’m really, really good at being alone. I sometimes wonder if I’m too good at it and that it hinders me from knowing how to properly function with someone else in my life.

Being alone as a writer hurts because you lose your muse. You have to find a new source of inspiration, a new person who alights the flame of passion to create. I recently came across a quote that summarizes a writer’s love perfectly: “If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.” I think this quote applies to both romantic and platonic love. I’ve been equally devastated by the endings of both.

When it all comes down to it, love is just too intriguing  and too powerful to not risk hurting yourself for. It’s why we keep falling for it. We keep hoping the next time will be better but it just turns out the same way. The best thing you can do it just brush it off and move on with your life. Learn to show your best sides to everyone and not just the people you end up loving who didn’t deserve your love to begin with. And don’t let someone waste you time. If someone tells you no, look beyond their bullshit excuses and don’t wait for them to come around because guess what? They will never come around. They will continue to waste your time as long as you let them. And your time is too precious to waste. You have more important things to do with your life than pine for someone who never was honest with you or was ever worth it in the first place.

We were all put on this earth to do some kickass shit, don’t waste it on someone who wears the merit-less crown you gave them.

My feature image comes from the Possom Trot Auction House in Seale, Alabama. I was there earlier this month for my uncle, John Erickson, and his marriage to Joyce Webster. It was a great time!

Human Zoo – 100 Word Story (from 400 Writing Prompts) — June 20, 2016

Human Zoo – 100 Word Story (from 400 Writing Prompts)

If you fell down a rabbit hole,what do you think you’d find?

Years ago, my mom asked me to go to the park with my sister. The park wasn’t far from our house, so my sister and I rode our bikes over and played hide and seek. I looked for somewhere to hide and saw a big tree with roots that I could crawl under. I crawled and crawled, until…I fell into darkness and landed on cold floor. I was in a cage with strange-looking beings staring at me. They had green skin and black eyes. I couldn’t understand their words. They watched me like I was an animal in a zoo.

photo credit: iStock by Getty Images


Tinder the Musical — June 12, 2016

Tinder the Musical

I’ll gladly say it: I hate Tinder. I hate online dating in general, but I really hate Tinder. Major kudos to the lucky ducks who have successfully found love in the internet cesspool of left and right swiping because I tend to find more creeps and disgusting vulgarities than actual guys interested in something substantial. I rarely look at Tinder these days and when I do, I usually regret it. Today was one of those days.

I remembered a conversation I had with my friend Sarah. When I went to Chicago last year, she was the one who showed me around town. One of the times she was visiting home in good ol’ Springfield, we were at the local donut shop and we thought about how funny it would be to write a musical about Tinder. After checking my Tinder today and being thoroughly disappointed, I made this:

tinder the musical

Still reading: 11/22/63 by Stephen King
Almost finished reading: Attempting Normal by Marc Maron (I recommend it in audiobook form)

From 400 Writing Prompts — April 20, 2016

From 400 Writing Prompts

This past month has been incredibly busy for me. In the midst of working, school, standup, writing for class, writing for pleasure, and the occasional podcast, I took on the task of directing a stage parody. If you’ve read my post VisionCon 2016 then you know about how I’m a part of a staged Firefly parody. When we all performed at VisionCon, I was a performer. This time I’ve taken on the task of directing. It’s been a fun new adventure, but it’s also made me limited for time and energy. Come this Saturday, I will be a lot more free

…that is until I go to Memphis the following weekend for Beale Street Music Festival with my mother. This will be our fourth year going and the lineup is completely fantastic. It will also be a much-needed vacation for me after an intense month.

If you were to start a new business right this minute, what would it be? Describe it.

A dry karaoke bar.

Reason: I love karaoke. It’s seriously one of my favorite things to do to with my friends. Problem is that most karaoke joints are also bars, which means that any friends who are underage can’t go. It also means that any teetotaler friends may not want to come. So to offer a dry bar would appeal to more than one mass, especially in a town where there are a lot of underage people, Christians, or people who choose not to drink.

If you knew it would be published, name someone (alive or dead) whose biography you would love to write. You would have full access to their life.

This is a toss up between Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse. When I went to San Francisco last year, I went to the Contemporary Jewish Museum and saw an Amy Winehouse exhibit. There were various items on display of hers that her family now owned. She was so young when she died and the circumstances of her death are so sad. The quote below was painted on the wall of Amy Winehouse’s exhibit at the CJM. I took this before I was told pictures weren’t allowed. Oops. But I like this quote a lot.

amy winehouse quote
“But mostly I have this dream to be very famous. To work on stage. It’s a life-long ambition. I want people to hear my voice and just forget their troubles for five minutes.” – Amy Winehouse

Lady Gaga isn’t just a pop star, she’s a performance artist. There’s meaning behind everything she performs, wears, and presents. That kind of bravery doesn’t happen overnight. I would like to know what was her paradigm shift(s).

Blog Challenge: 642 Tiny Things to [blog] about – Prompt 50 — March 24, 2016

Blog Challenge: 642 Tiny Things to [blog] about – Prompt 50

Strange Things Are Afoot At the Circle K

Herculaneum, Missouri on Saturday, April 16th, 1992 at 11:37 pm. A Dispatcher sits at his desk. The entire story will be from the Dispatcher’s perspective and all other voices will be either on the radio or phone.

Note: Herculaneum is a real town, I lived here for three years when I was growing up. But the names and locations are entirely fictional.

Dispatcher – A man in his mid-late twenties, fairly new to the job.Lucille – Caller, gas station worker, older woman.
Officers Davis & Bilson – Middle aged. Both have been police officers for many years. Know their town well.

Dispatcher: “This is 911. What is your emergency?”

Lucille: (frantic) “Uh yes, hi. My name is Lucille and I work down at the C-C-Circle K down on Farm Road K-Double Five. This….this is going to sound crazy…but I think I just witnessed an alien abduction.”

Dispatcher: “Well, okay. Try to stay calm. What makes you think it was an alien abduction? What did you see?”

Lucille takes a deep, ragged breath.

Lucille: (sounding scared) “So I was working and Dale comes in with his 18-wheeler truck. He comes in all the time and always buys a pack of smokes. Tonight he was telling me that he suspected a storm was acomin’ because he had passed by a f-field of cows coming into town and he’d seen ’em all huddled together. Then he went back t-to his truck, that was parked on the side of the building where I couldn’t see, and I saw this blinding flash of light. S-so I…I went out there to ask him what the light was about and there was nothin’!”

Dispatcher: “What do you mean by nothin’, Lucille?”

Lucille: “I mean, there was nothin’. N-n-no truck, no Dale. No sign of Dale driving away. Even the light was out on the side of the building where Dale had parked his truck. And I-I-I know there was nothing wrong with the circuitry because I had that fixed s-s-six weeks ago and the lightbulb was b-brand-new, bought that not even two days ago.”

Dispatcher: “Okay, it’s okay. Can you see anything outside now?”

Lucille: “No. Everything is dark. Even the lights on the gas pumps are out… (gasps) The-the lights just went out inside!” (whimpers)

Dispatcher: “Stay on the line! We’re sending officers to your location.”
(into their radio) “I need officers at the Circle K on Farm Road K55 immediately!”

Lucille: (whispering) “It feels warm in here…”

Dispatcher: “Hang in there, Lucille. Stay with me. Stay out of sight.”

Lucille: (sounding strangely thoughtful) “No, I mean that it feels warm in here, like I feel suddenly sitting by a fireplace all cozy. It feels like someone is in here. B-but…I didn’t hear the door open.”
(becomes very relaxed and slurs words a little) “But I can feel the energy. It’s as if they’re right next to…”

The line goes dead.

Dispatcher: “Lucille? Lucille!”
(on radio) “Officers Bilson and Davis, I have lost contact with the employee at the Circle K. Please tell me your location.”

Officer Bilson: “We’re on Farm Road K55. We should be approaching (radio garbles) minutes.”

Dispatcher: “Officer Bilson, I’m experiencing some issues with your radio. Could you repeat what you just said?”

Officer Davis: (sounds annoyed) “He said that we were on Farm Road K55. We should be (radio garbles).”

Dispatcher: “Officer Davis, I’m experiencing issues with your radio too.”
(radio garbles, nothing is coherent. Dispatcher’s concern grows)
“Bilson, Davis, do either of you copy?”

Officer Davis: “There’s nothing going on here.”

Dispatcher: “What do you mean by nothing?”

Officer Bilson: “This Circle K is closed. No one to be found.”

Dispatcher: “And you’re at the right location?”

Officer Bilson: “I’m positive we’re at the right place. I passed by here the other day to go to my brother’s house.”

Dispatcher: “That doesn’t make any sense. Weird question: How does the air feel? Can you feel any…uh…energy?”

Officer Davis: (chuckles) “Can’t say that I do. But the wind just kicked up. Looks like it’s gonna storm.”

Dispatcher: “Is there anything you fellas can see? Any sign of Lucille or Dale’s truck?”

Officer Bilson: (confused) “Who’s Lucille?”

Dispatcher: “That’s the worker who called in. She claimed to have witnessed an alien abduction of one of her regular customers. The line went dead right when she was telling me how warm the air was.”

Officer Davis: (laughs) “Dispatcher, you misunderstand what I’m saying: this Circle K has been closed for about two months. The windows are all boarded up.

Dispatcher: “What? But what about Lucille?”

Officer Davis: “I’m sorry, but there isn’t anyone by that name who worked here. Starting to sound like a prank to me.”

Officer Bilson: “Probably by some teenagers bored on a Saturday night.”

Dispatcher: (angry) “She sounded pretty sincere to me. You can’t fake fear like that.”

Officer Bilson: “Sorry Dispatcher, we didn’t catch that. Come again?”

Dispatcher: “I said you can’t fake fear like…”
(A short piercing sound goes through his headset. It leaves him a little dazed and slow to react.)

Officer Bilson: “Hello? You there? Can you hear us, Dispatcher?”

Dispatcher: (dazed) “Yeah, sorry.”

Officer Bilson: “You okay?”

Dispatcher: “Yeah, I’m alright. It’s just been a long night.”

Officer Davis: “You sure? Soundin’ a little off.”

Dispatcher: (still dazed) “I’m okay. I just feel a little spacey right now.”

Officer Bilson: “Hey, we’ll find them if they call again. Hey, you’re not the first dispatcher to believe a prank call. It happens to all of us. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

Dispatcher: (eerily calm) “Don’t worry. It’s already been forgotten.”



Fortune Cookie Thoughts (from 400 Prompts) — January 29, 2016

Fortune Cookie Thoughts (from 400 Prompts)

Write ten original thoughts that will be stuffed inside fortune cookies for strangers to read. NOTE: Most of these are just pieces of advice and don’t really tell you a fortune. But then again, I don’t remember the last time I received a fortune cookie that actually had a fortune in it.

  1. Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions. (good advice from my mother).
  2. A real friendship can withstand anything.
  3. It is possible to love someone from a distance. Especially when the distance is for your own benefit.
  4. Don’t believe people who have to tell you they’re a nice person using their words inside of their actions.
  5. Take care of yourself, no matter what good or bad is going on in your life.
  6. Be as brave in person as you are behind your computer keyboard. (shoutout to all of my troll friends)
  7. Sometimes you’re the spoke, sometimes you’re the wheel.
  8. You will never look back and regret the times you stood up for yourself.
  9. If forgiveness meant you had to forget the wrongs someone else made, then the phrase wouldn’t be “forgive and forget.”
  10. Trust that if someone is meant to be a part of your life, they’ll stick around. If they leave, it’s for a good reason. If they’re meant to return, they’ll find a way back.

Nugget of Wisdom: A former friend of mine used to say, “The Universe is unfolding as it should.” I don’t know where that came from, but I found it’s calmed me in a panic attack or two.

About a month ago, I came across this awesome mantra. It renders a very simplistic message: I love you. I forgive you. I release you.

Currently reading: Attemping Normal by Marc Maron. I’ve been on a serious Maron kick as of late. I’ve been listening to a lot of WTF episodes and watching Maron on Netflix and I highly recommend both. I’ve found that the things Maron says really resonate with me. The best kind of art is the art that I find I can relate to and connect with.

kaiser cookie
All this talk about fortune cookies reminded me of the time my friend Kaiser got a fortune cookie without a fortune in it. Photo cred: J. Kaiser
Blog Challenge: 642 Tiny Things to [blog] about – Prompt 48 — October 28, 2015

Blog Challenge: 642 Tiny Things to [blog] about – Prompt 48

In the United States, the Department of Transportation is in charge of time zones. You feel a new time zone should be created. Where is it, and what would it be called?

To make this more interesting, I’ve made the central character a girl in her late teens, early twenties. Think Reese Witherspoon from “Legally Blonde.”

To Who It May Concern,

My name is Leslie Middleton and I’m a part of the Delta Sigma Delta Chi sorority at Missouri State University in St. Louis. I’m writing to you today with a proposal. I would like the United State of the USA to have one more timezone. It would be called “Party Time” and every day it would be allow more daylight, irregardless if it’s Daylight Savings Time. The time zone would be rove throughout the country around sunset. It would actually reverse the sun for a few more hours. This purpose would be solely for partying and offering the perfect light for taking selfies with friends. I think that offering this would literaly raise moral as a nation.

Think it over and text me on Kik, k?



Blog Challenge: 642 Tiny Things to [blog] about – Prompt 47 — October 20, 2015

Blog Challenge: 642 Tiny Things to [blog] about – Prompt 47

Well hello again, it’s a been a minute.

Write a headline for the day after the world ends.

Because if you're going to retroactively chastise those who somehow survive the apocalypse, soften the blow by saying "goofed" instead "fucked."
Because if you’re going to retroactively chastise those who somehow survive the apocalypse, soften the blow by saying “goofed” instead “fucked.”

Courtesy of The Newspaper Clipping Generator

You’re launching a sound recording of life on Earth into outer space to act as a emissary for the human race. Name the five specific sounds you will record.

  1. A bird chirping
  2. A baby’s laugh
  3. An analog clock’s hands ticking
  4. The waves of the ocean
  5. A toilet flushing

Convey the third sound in detail. Don’t bother using words.

Tick, tick, tick, tick. (this is onomatopoeia)

Your recording may include a short inscription on it, the only text that will accompany these Earth sounds. There is space for only six words.

Our life as we know it.

Currently Listening To: Angel Haze – Back To The Woods (entire album on Soundcloud)

I’ve been an Angel Haze fan for a few years now and her music never ceases to impress me. Her newest album, Back To The Woods, is spectacular. I highly recommend it.

A moment of nostalgia for the beautiful green trees at Roaring River State Park.
Speaking of woods, here’s a moment of nostalgia for the beautiful green trees at Roaring River State Park.